Season Update 2017

9th of september. We have had a great season on Olderø and looking back we have had so many happy clients in Olderø fly fishing lodge, we are also very very pleased and proud over how many big fish which have been caught on our waters this season, with the two biggest fish going over the magical 20kg mark, (21 kg and 20,8 kg as the biggest) and with a good numbers of fish just under 20 kg. throughout the season. Besides that we have had many fish landed and off course many fish lost, some really big! and I am sure if we have had a little bit more luck in some cases we could have had even more fish over the 20 kg mark, and maybe have had a +25kg fish landed..!

All in all and especially after the first half of the season were we almost were drowning and really suffering in the big water level we had on the river we still managed to get fish out of our waters and I want to use the opportunity to thank our great guide team for a job well done, they all really pushed on despite the high water levels we were exposed to. It is really nice to know that we on the lodge have really proffesionel and skilled guides who can handle every situation they are faceing, thank you Mads, Christian and Rene, looking forward to have you all back next season.

I wish also to say thank you to our great Icelandic and Swedish chef´s throughout the season who have made the experience even bigger for clients visiting us this season.

We are really happy and pleased that so many guests wants to come back to us to enjoy the raw nature of the northern Norway and off course the fishing on our private beats on Lakselv.

We are already looking very much forward for next season, we always strive to make things better at the lodge and next year the we hope to receive clients with an updated and renovated kitchen building.

The next weeks we are closing everything down the lodge for the coming winter, hopefully we will be done with all preparations for next season before darkness and the first snow and frost comes in oct/now…

If you are interested in fishing our waters on Olderø fly fishing lodge, please contact Mads Kjær Pedersen on for information for availability for season 2019, (at this time season 2018 is fully booked) please stay tuned for more information.