Difficult conditions

1th of august 2018 – The last four weeks we have had many days with really high temperatures, some days over 30 degrees celcius and on the same time low water levels, this combination made the river and the pools very difficult to fish and both guests and guides was praying for rain every day, but nothing came, when it finally came it came very gentle and the river went from 6,8 cubic to around 14 cubic out of Skoganvarre dam, but nothing really happened and only a few fish were caught after the raise of the river.

When I write this the weather forecast says a lot of rain during the coming weekend, we really need rain to get the August run into the river and we need a lot and I hope for a lot, but lets wait and see what happens.

Despite the tuff conditions the last two weeks our clients have been catching fish on most of our beats, actually the only beat not giving any fish this year is our Holmen beat, this piece of the river works best with a lot of water, so in a year like this the beat have been very quiet, hopefully we will get more water (+ 25 cubic) before the season ends so our clients can enjoy to fish the pools of Holmen beat again.

The good about Olderø water is that we have so many different kinds of beats and we can always find a beat with pools working on the current waterlevel so you will newer be out of water when you are visiting us on Olderø.

Hope the rain that are promised in the coming weekend will bring in some new fish to the river as we need new runs into the river for the next weeks.

Henrik Kassow Andersen