On and off

14th of august 2018 – We have had a group of anglers from UK, Scotland and USA at the lodge the previous week, the fishing this week have been a bit up and down with fish running very fast through our beats in zone 1 and therefore we had to chase the fish when they went upstream, sometimes we succeeded to find them again further up on our beats and sometimes they just disappeared, but that’s why it’s called fishing and not catching…

Fresh from the Atlantic Ocean.

I feel that I am almost repeating myself again, but again this week we have seen and lost some bigger fish without having any luck in landing them, the grilse runs seems to have been picking up and that is good news for the seasons to come, always nice to see that the rivers future generation is returning in good numbers and hopefully a good run of this year’s grilse run is ready to enter the river as 7-9 kg fish next season.

Despite a lot of grilse caught we also landed some bigger fish, and we had a client that caught her first salmon ever with us, so a big big congratulation to Alina from all of us in the staff with her first Atlantic Salmon and what a nice fish… You really did well, and we are all looking forward to see you again next year.

Picture above shows Alina and longtime guide on Olderø Rene Gerken with her first fish.

It’s so nice to have so many returning clients and its almost feels like family when the groups are in the house, as John a returning client from US and who have been fishing with us since 2011 said “it’s not the fishing it’s the location and the fantastic atmosphere in the lodge that brings me back year after year”  We are off course very proud and happy to have so many clients that appreciate to come to stay with us and spend their vacation with us on Olderø fly fishing lodge in search of the big Atlantics that runs up the river Lakselv.

It will be very exciting to see what the next weeks will bring and we are looking forward to have a full lodge every day for the next three weeks with clients visiting us from Iceland, Norway and Denmark, tight lines to everybody from all of us.

Henrik Kassow Andersen