Home pool in action

30th of June 2018 – After yesterdays first fish from one of our middel beats on the river, Olderø homepool also steps into the game, again it is James from Scotland who is the one who was lucky to be on the right spot the right time with this beauty on 27 lbs fish.

The ice melt after the winter have been digging and moving a little bit on the rocks in the bottom in the upper and middel part of homepool which looks like it have made a few holes were the fish want to sit in, we have seen some fish on the same spots the last 2 weeks, but now the water level seems to be right for those places in homepool and the fish starts to stop there for a little longer than on a higher waterlevel.

Having so many different kind of stretches/beats as we have on Olderø fly fishing Lodge is very good as you will always find a stretch/part of our fishing that perfectly fit´s the current water level…Hopefully we will be able to show you more fish in the days come, stay tuned for more action.

Picture below just came in from Christian, James is on fire in the homepool,  just landed one more on 19 lbs