Season 2018

24th of October 2018. Sitting looking back on this season at Olderø fly fishing lodge and few things just comes into my mind, we have had a really busy spring with finishing the new and much bigger main building at the lodge which were ready the 1th of June. The new house will be the center of the lodge on the island and we look forward to host guests from all over the world in the years to come. The fishing was actually very good on our waters and we have had better season in 2018 number vise than the previous years, only thing missing this year was the +20 kg fish landed, we have been in contact with them several times, but we didn’t succeed in landing them, one of our clients had a epic fight for almost 45 min with giant salmon taking the hitch in the surface in one of our upper beats so we certainly have had the chances, as he said after he lost the fish “I will remember this the rest of my life, the best part was to see this huge fish come up and take the fly on the surface in big splash.

Above one of our guest´s from Iceland with a beauty from Holmen.

One of things also came into play in the 2018 was very very small flies as the water level in river dropped a lot and became very warm for a long period, actually Lakselv was the warmest place in Norway for quite some days in the end of July and early august, and we had to downsize both the flies and the tackle, but it is good to know that big fish also like small flies.

One of the things we remember from all this season is happy, smilling clients all wanting to come back and try one more time to get the fish of their lifetime. It is always nice to fish, but always better in good company.!

We want to thank all clients visiting us at the lodge it have been a great pleasure to host you all and we in the staff are looking forward to see many of you again next season, also we would like to say a big thank you to the guides, the chef´s and the girls who all have been working really hard to make clients stay as comfortable as possible, with out you guys it is not possible to run a camp like Olderø fly fishing lodge.

If you want to fish with us, see below the open spots we have left for the salmon season 2019, please send us a email if you are interested to be one of the very few fishing our waters next season.

Week 24 – 1 rod

Week 30 – 2 rods

Week 36 Seatrout fishing weeks 7 rods

Week 37 Seatrout fishing weeks 8 rods

At the moment we are preparing the lodge for the upcoming winter were we are going to keep it open for the Northern light tourism, please let us know if you want to experience the fantastic scenery of Aurora Borealis, we are only going to keep the lodge open for a limited amount of weeks this winter.

Henrik Kassow Andersen