Week 31/32: First big fish at Bakery

14th of august 2019 – For the past 2 weeks we have had many days with really low water and low temperatures, with only 8 degrees celcius some days. The river kept dropping every day, and it even went below 5 cubic meters. The fishing in general this year has not been as we had hoped due to low water and at the same time very cold weather, so both guests and guides have been praying for more rain, but none came. The past weeks we have not seen as many fish in Homepool as we normally see. Jumping fish in Homepool is always a good sign for us, and the rest of the river, because then we know fersk Salmon are running into the river.

Despite the tuff conditions the last two weeks our clients have been catching fish on most of our beats, actually the only beat not giving any fish is our Holmen beat, this piece of the river works best with a lot of water, so in a year like this the beat have been very quiet, hopefully we will get more water (+ 25 cubic) before the season ends so our clients can enjoy to fish the pools of Holmen beat again.

Last week we had a visit from the UK, Iceland and US, and we had fish up to 11 kg and lost quite a few much bigger fish. Kenny and Danny who have visited us for many years had their fish of a life time. Both caught their biggest Atlantic salmon ever and both salmon were off course released after the fight. The best beats was Ratama and “The Bakery pool” and it was the first big fish out of the bakery for us this year. Despite the tuff river conditions we are very happy as all our guest rebooked for next year and we are all looking forward to see them again.

In week 31 our regular guest did not come because we adviced him to stay home due to the low water level and very few new fish in the river, but he will be coming back next year again in hopefully better conditions.

This week we have guest´s from Iceland, and it have started very good with a big fish on 14 kg, but you can read more about the week in our blog next week.

Want to be one of the very few fishing our waters in 2020, please contact us on gerken@oldero.no

René Gerken – Camp Manager

Nice with a warm drying room after you have been out in the cold and wet weather the whole day.