Week 30: Summer arrived

29th of July 2019 – In the past week we have had many days with really high temperatures - some days over 25 degrees celcius - and at the same time low water levels. This combination made the river and the pools very difficult to fish, and both guests and guides were praying for rain and clouds every day. Unfortunately none came. When clouds finally came on Sunday, sadly, they did not bring any rain with them.

The river dropped dramatically during the past last days and today the river flow is down to only 10,9 m3 out of Skoganvarrer which is very low for the time of the year actually the second time in many years we have so low water this early, what this will have of effect during the rest of season we must wait and see, but surely there are fish in the river.

This week we had guest from Germany, Sweden and the UK, som have been here before and for some it was first time experience. Alex from Germany who owns the shop ADH-fishing had two very nice fish and he caught a 98 cm fish on the last cast on the last day. This was also the first fish from the upper pool on Ratama this year, so hopefully we will start to see more catches from that pool.

We are hoping for some rain the coming weeks, as we need it cause I am pretty sure that will bring in some new fish to the river as we need new runs into the river for the next weeks.

Camp Manager – René Gerken

René Gerken29 July 2019