Summery 2019

The 2019 season is now over for our part and I now sit back in Denmark and reflect on the season. We have had a full lodge every single week with customers hoping to catch a big Salmon. For some it happened and for others it did not happen, and that is how salmon fishing should be.

We had a really good start with a high average. The salmon was in average around 10 kg but with the largest on 14 kg. After a few weeks the water disappeared and we came down under 10 cubic and for a period it was very hot. Shallow water and high temperatures have never been the best for salmon fishing. However, our customers did not give up, and great salmon were also caught every week and until the last part of the season, the largest salmon was about 16 kg, that was caught by a very happy salmon fisherman from Spain.

The last part of the season went very well, with a lot of fish over 10 kg but the biggest for the whole season was caught be a very happy norwegian salmon fisherman. He landed his dream fish of 23.5 kg after a long fight. It was a large male salmon that took a size 10 double hook and the salmon took him far down the river to eventually coming into the net. It was 2 very tired guides who had the pleasure to help him throughout the whole fight.

The last 2 weeks of the season we where only fishing with 0,25 and hook flies smaller than size 10 with only floating line, as this is a rule in the sea trout season.

We have also been updating the lodge with a drying house, so now everyone can get their waders dried after a long day at in the river. The drying house is not the only thing that was ready for this year, we also finished the Stangnes Salmon Lodge, which we look forward to show all of you. Stangnes Salmon Lodge is a self catering lodge, and is open for bookings. There is 4 private beats, and the lodge have 4 rooms with own bathroom and own entrance, plus a common kitchen and living room.

At the time of writing, we are making a new website and we hope it will be ready for November 1th. Here you can, for example, get more information about the Stangnes Salmon Lodge, or about our cabin Holmen, which is perfect for you as a fisherman on the public water.

We are almost sold out on Olderø in 2020, but we still have weeks on Stangnes, so if you are interested in fishing with us, please contact me at

We want to thank all clients visiting us at the lodge it have been a great pleasure to host you all and we in the staff are looking forward to see many of you again next season, also we would like to say a big thank you to the guides, the chef´s and the girls who all have been working really hard to make clients stay as comfortable as possible, with out you guys it is not possible to run a camp like Olderø fly fishing lodge.

René Gerken – Camp Manager