The salmon has finally arrived

1 of July 2019 – All the way up here in the very north of Norway the season starts later than the rest of the country and we have been looking for those first fish to enter Lakselv the first 3 weeks of the season. But last week and the beginning of this week have showed that they are here now.

Last week we had guest from Denmark, Scotland and England. Biggest fish last week was 112 cm, caught by our regular guest James from Scotland in homepool on the last morning of the week. Now we have regular guest from the last 5 years, and they started out very good today, with a fish on 108 cm from the beat Holmen. So we are all very exited to see what will happen this week.

We have had some really mixed weather the last weeks with days were the air temperature has been between 1 and 12 degrees For the next days it will not go up more than to 12-15 degrees, this is just how it is up here in the arctic and this is what makes the place so special, currently the water temperature is 10 degrees and water level just under 23 cubic which makes the fishing very varied with floating lines, long leaders and medium flies, but also sinking lines with big monkeys works well. Hopefully the weather stays on the warm side and the runs continues as they have done the last days on every high tide, then surely we will see some more action.

René Gerken – Camp Manager

René Gerken1 July 2019