Week 27: 2019

8th of July 2019 – After a rather slow start on the season we have seen a lot of fish coming into the river on our waters in the first couple of days of the week, again this week we had the owner of Olderø fishing with us for a week. They had some good action to almost all rods this week. We had 5 fish between 10-13 kg and one guy had 2 of them within 20 min fishing. Holmen was our best beat for a couple of days, and then the fish was spread out on all our beats.

The good about Olderø water is that we have so many different kinds of beats and we can always find a beat with pools working on the current waterlevel so you will newer be out of water when you are visiting us on Olderø.

We have had some really rainy and cloudy weather this week with days were the air temperature didn’t come over 12 degrees. Currently the water temperature is 13 degrees and water level just under 18 cubic which makes the fishing easy with floating lines, and sink tips.

The group of anglers from week 27 with guides are all ready to come back to experience the fishing on Olderø in 2020 – If you need any more information regarding stay and fishing on our lodge please don’t hesitate to contact us, we would be more than happy to help you out in any way we can.

From 2019 Olderø is now official sponsored by Patagonia, as the only lodge in Scandinavian, so we are very proud of that. This is a big thing for us, and we are looking very much forward to work together with Patagonia in the future.

René Gerken8 July 2019