Week 28: Sunny days

17th of July 2019 – Week 28 is normally one of the best weeks here in Lakselv, but the fishing was very difficult last week. We had  people from Sweden and the UK, and they where fishing very hard, but the fish did not want to stay on the hook for many of our guests. Our regular guest John caught this week his biggest fish ever, as many people do when they visit us here on Olderø fly fishing lodge.

He hooked the fish on our beat Ratama on a Frances fly and after 10 min. of fight the fish was in the net, we had a very happy camper in the lodge that evening. We finally start to see more fish in our Homepool on every tide, so hopefully the fishing starts to pick up during the next days as we will have some rain today, so the river might go up a bit. We are now on 11,7 cubic, so floating line and long leaders are the right line and leader to use.

This week (week 29)started very good for the group who arrived sunday afternoon with action on all our beats, 3 fish was caught, biggest fish caught by our spanish guest on 111 cm.

We cross our fingers that the bigger run will start soon, so stay tuned for more updates in the days to come.

René Gerken17 July 2019