Week 29: Good beginning

22th of July 2019 -We have had a group of anglers from UK, Scotland, Spain and USA at the lodge the previous week, the fishing this week have been a bit up and down with fish running very fast through our beats in zone 1 and therefore we had to chase the fish when they went upstream, sometimes we succeeded to find them again further up on our beats and sometimes they just disappeared, but that’s why it’s called fishing and not catching.

The fishing started very well, and we all thought that this could be the week, where the numbers would go up, not only for us, but for the whole river. The first 3 days we caught and landed fish, the biggest fish for the week was a beautiful 111 cm fish, that took a small sunray on one of our upper beats. In the last 3 days we did not manage to land any fish, and unfortunately we did not see many fish coming in on the high tides in Homepool.

I feel that I am almost repeating myself again, but again this week we have seen and lost some bigger fish without having any luck in landing them, the grilse runs seems to have been picking up a little bit and that is good news for the seasons to come, always nice to see that the rivers future generation is returning in good numbers and hopefully a good run of this year’s grilse run is ready to enter the river as 7-9 kg fish next season.

It will be very exciting to see what the next weeks will bring and we are looking forward to have a full lodge every day for the next 5 weeks with clients visiting us from, Sweden, US, Polen, Germany, UK, Iceland, Norway and Denmark, tight lines to everybody from all of us.

Camp Manager  – René Gerken

René Gerken22 July 2019